鐵人三項奧運金牌熱門人選Javier Gomez 因練車摔傷退出本屆里約奧運


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來自西班牙的Javier Gomez,曾經贏過五次ITU的世界冠軍,及拿下2012年倫敦奧運銀牌,因為在7/13訓練自行車時碰撞導致受傷,很遺憾在7/14宣布退出今年2016的里約奧運鐵人三項項目。

Gomez 在自己的Instagram上表示他將在7/14進行手術,而不是急迫得立即復出,他說:「必須要實事求是,並且給別人競爭的機會。」

Gomez 是2013、2014、2015年的連續三年的ITU世界冠軍,並通過去年里約奧運的Test Event,也是本屆里約奧運鐵人三項項目的金牌熱門人選。


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很遺憾我們應該不會在本屆里約奧運看見Gomez的出賽,另外值得注意的是Gomez 已經在2014年IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship 和2012年XTERRA的世界錦標賽拿下冠軍,很多人都認為他已經準備好挑戰超級鐵人三項,也就是226km距離的賽事,Gomez也宣示他未來的計劃,他說:「我仍然會在鐵人三項努力,至今我還沒完成我的目標。」


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Gomez 自己的公開發表如下:


I’m really sorry to let you all know that yesterday, when I was just about to finish my bike training, I had one of those silly crashes, no faster than 15km/h. Immediately I felt pain in my elbow so we went to the hospital. Scans have confirmed a displaced fracture in the radial head of my left arm. Going into surgery today to fix it.

Unfortunately this has forced me to pull out of competing in Rio. I need to be realistic, there is no time to prepare and to be fit on the start line of the games. The most sensible thing is to open my spot and allow someone else the chance to race.

As you can imagine, this is a really tough time, it’s a goal I have been working for over many years. I will keep fighting, I still have many goals in this sport, I’m not done yet. I feel sad and disappointed to give you this news, thanks for the ongoing support.





