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有人提到「運動、跑步時,緊縮腹部」、「坐下時,要縮小腹」的問題,什麼叫緊縮腹部呢?其實我們說的是指緊縮核心(engage your core),但核心肌群特別指的是腹部及背部肌群,也許為了讓民眾方便了解與記憶,所以最後簡化說成「緊縮腹部」了,但緊縮核心的目的是什麼呢?

緊縮核心的目的在「開始訓練的第一步,縮緊腹部!」一文有提到,目的在於穩定脊椎,維持背部在直立的位置。而在Foam Roller的講座中,山姆伯伯有遇到一位朋友的詢問,關於「頂尖運動員都在偷練的核心基礎運動」這本書教的動作。書中並沒有強調或是指示要縮緊核心,所以可能有朋友在進行動作時,以為核心/腹部是放鬆的,對嗎?(以下的影片是書中DVD的一部位,基礎動作)。


也許有人認為,無時無刻縮緊核心是不可能的事,也懷疑為什麼要這樣做,有點蠢,但沒關係。在「5 Reasons to Engage Your Core All Day」有一篇文章,說到整天縮緊核心的5個理由,大家可以參考看看:

1. Flatter abs (使腹部更平坦)

Engaging the core doesn’t mean sucking in your tummy. In fact, the move is more like tensing your abdominal muscles into a protective ring around the torso. It’s the muscle contraction that occurs naturally just before you laugh or cough. Constantly working that muscle group tones you inside and out. You’ll look and feel five pounds lighter whenever you do it, says Manning.


2. Improved posture (改善姿勢)

Don’t just “sit up straight”; engage your core for your best posture. “When the abdominals are loose and the lower back tight, people can hoard an extreme curve in the spine, affecting the position of the pelvis and, really, the whole body,” says Manning. Maintaining good posture is important for protecting your joints, bones and muscles, which will reduce the risk of injury as you age, she explains.


3. Less back pain (減少背痛)

Get rid of the tension in your back, neck and shoulders and make your workday a little more comfortable. “When the abdominals are pressed in, the spine is stretched straight,” says Manning. “When the abdominals are loose and hanging forward, the lower spine gets scrunched inward. This is the most common reason why people are experiencing such terrible back pain, and it’s the first place I start in correcting it.”


4. Better breathing (呼吸更好)

Holding in your stomach encourages you to hold your breath, but when you properly engage the core, with the abdominals pressed inward, as opposed to “held in,” your lungs have more room to breathe, says Manning. Deliberately breathing out all that stale air in the bottom of your lungs will help release toxins and boost your energy.


5. Reduced anxiety

Breathing from an engaged core leads to more mindfulness — and less stress. “Breathing is about dismissing the bad with each exhalation and taking in all the good with each inhalation,” says Manning. “By being conscious of your breathing, you can adopt this mentality, which is very cleansing and renewing, in the most natural and productive way we have available to us.” The more you focus on your breath, the less you’re fretting about your big presentation tomorrow.







