頸部和頸椎傷害可以區分為神經根病變(radiculopathy)、神經根炎(radiculitis)、椎間盤突出(herniated or bulging disc)或椎間盤退化症(degenerative disc disease with symptoms),這些症狀可能包含:
放射狀疼痛(radiating pain)
下背或腰椎的傷害,例如神經根病變、神經根炎、腰椎狹窄(spinal stenosis)、椎間盤突出、椎間盤退化症和坐骨神經痛(sciatica),這些症狀可能包含:
頸部旋轉伸展(Neck Rotation Stretch)
用你的左手抓住你頭的右方,並且往你的左肩膀的方向輕壓,記得保持雙肩垂下和放鬆。你應該感覺到右側頸部的舒適感,並且絕不要讓自己感到疼痛、麻目或無力。對於一個靜態伸展(static stretch)而言,記得保持伸展一分鐘然後換邊。兩邊都要施作三組。如果你在游泳之前做動態伸展(dynamic stretch),請重複多次的伸展並且不要在意角度。
【圖一】(a)先伸展頸部右側;(b) 接著再伸展頸部左側
坐在椅子上或瑜珈球上作軀幹旋轉(Seated trunk rotation on a chair or physioball)
站立時手臂過頭向後伸展(Standing back extension with arms overhead)
出處:Joe Friel,Jim Vance, editors (2013). Triathlon science.,464, 465, 466, 467. United States of America: Human Kinetics.
Spine and neck injuries
Although less common in swimming, a spinal injury may be more deblitating than an injury to the shoulder. Typically, spinal injuries become chronic in nature because they are adjusted or compensated for by the athlete’s unknowingly changing the stroke pattern (i.e., turning out of one side only or rotating the trunk instead of the neck). Posture and positioning of the neck and shoulders during swimming, much like in sitting, plays a significant role in the amount of stress placed on the spine. In most cases, spinal injuries resulting from swimming are related to the aggravation of an already pathological spine by prolonged spinal positioning, meaning that the athlete has had a known or unknown spinal injury in the past.
Neck or cervical injuries can be described as radiculopathy, radiculitis, herniated or bulging disc, or degenerative disc disease with symptoms that may include radiating pain, numbness or tingling into the arm, scapular(shoulder blade) pain with turning or extending the head, a noticeable loss of head-turning ability, or sudden arm weakness or muscle atrophy. Low-back or lumbar injuries such as radiculopathy, radiculitis, spinal stenosis, herniated or bulging disc, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica may also include radiating pain, numbness or tingling in the lower extremity during or after swim, pain in the buttocks while sitting after a swim workout, or sudden leg or ankle weakness.
Preventing spinal injury in swimmers requires particular attention to the triathlete’s symmetry of spinal rotation, mobility into extension, and overall posture. Exercise should focus on moving the spine with full range of motion. Exercise are particularly important for triathletes who have day jobs that require prolonged sitting or standing in one place. The following recommendations and exercises will help keep the spine mobile and its movement symmetrical.
Neck Rotation Stretch
Grab the right side of your head with your left hand and gently pull your head toward your left shoulder. Keep both shoulders down and relaxed. You should feel stretch on the right side of the neck. You should nerve feel pain, numbness, or tingling. For a static stretch, hold the stretch for 1 minute and switch sides. Perform three stretches on each side.
If you perform stretch prior to swimming, perform dynamic stretches. Repeat the stretch multiple times without holding the stretch at the end range.
Seated Trunk Rotation on a Chair or Physioball
Sit on a physioball with the hips, kness, and feet in line and the back straight. Lift your arms so that your hands are behind or to the sides of your head. Engage your abdominal muscles and core as you rotate your trunk as far as possible. Do not allow the hips, kness, or feet to move. Feel the stretch around your midback and shoulders. Hold the stretch for 1 minute then stretch to the other side. Perform three stretches on each side.
Standing Back Extension With Arms Overhead
Stand and lift your arms overhead, keeping the elbows straight and arms in. Gently extend your spine back, extending the neck and head last. Think about moving each vertebrae individually from the bottom to the top. Feel the stretch in the spine, abdominal muscles, and shoulders blades. You should never feel pain, numbers, tingling, or dizziness. Hold the stretch for 1 minute then release. Stretch three times.
在《運動傷害圖解聖經》中,對於游泳這項運動有頸部和脊椎的運動傷害詳細的介紹,在此我以更有系統的方式整理出來、並且附上相關示意圖,讀者們就可以更理解在游泳訓練時對於頸部和脊椎的傷害描述和預防方式(以下內容和圖片,摘自DK Publishing:《運動傷害圖解聖經》,台北市:旗標,2012,頁40,56,60,220,240):
這邊也推薦一個「徒手等張收縮(Manual Isometrics)」運動(見下圖五的三個步驟),來幫助復健或是初期鍛鍊頸部肌肉用。這個等張收縮的徒手頸部肌力訓練,可用站姿或坐姿進行。對頸部受傷或是開始訓練頸部的人而言,這是一個必要的復健運動。隨著肌力的進步,可以結合彈力帶或重量訓練機器來提供頸部足夠的負荷。
注意:1. 頭部用力向後推,來抵抗阻力。2. 保持手部的位置
注意:1. 頸部用力向側面推,來抵抗阻力。2. 保持頸部不要移動頭部
注意:1. 頸部抵抗阻力旋轉。2. 保持頸部直立,不要移動頭部
這邊介紹一種柔軟度訓練方式:「闊背肌伸展(Lat Stretch)」(參考圖八:闊背肌伸展(Lat Stretch)
【圖八】闊背肌伸展(Lat Stretch)
注意:1. 在闊背肌處有伸展的感覺。2. 保持膝蓋微彎。
圖片來源:Triathlon science與《運動傷害圖解聖經》