在前一篇文章中,大概探討了各種用來評量自行車訓練方式的優缺點,而關於最受歡迎的方式之一-心率,我摘錄喬福瑞(Joe Friel)書中[1]針對這方面的解釋與探討之原文並以個人的語言來意譯(帶一點超譯),希望能讓大家更明白心率訓練的限制所在。
心率(Hear Rate)
總結以上,最大的限制仍然在於心率不能告訴你到底表現有多好,只能間接地藉由引擎的耗油(氧氣)程度來告訴你引擎多努力,要能真正有效地利用心率,它必需和其它數據相比較,才會顯現它的價值,往後將說明:心率和功率如何做比較, 以及這樣的比較如何輔助你的訓練。
出處:[1] Friel, Joe. (2012) The Power Meter Hand Book: A User’s Guide for Cyclists and Triathletes
Contrary to what most athletes believe, heart rate is reactive, not proactive. In other words, it responds to what the muscles are doing. It does not cause the muscles to work any harder. It’s not the “engine”—it’s simply the “fuel pump.” When the engine (muscles) works harder going up a hill, the heart responds by pumping more blood to help the muscles keep going. Training based only on heart rate is like using the fuel gauge on your car to determine how fast you’re driving. That can be done, but it’s “bass-ackwards.”
Now, don’t get me wrong. The fuel pump (your heart) is quite valuable to performance. The engine (your muscles) couldn’t work without it. How hard the pump is working is good information to know as it’s indirectly related to performance. If the engine is demanding lots of fuel, then something hard is probably happening. So the pump had better be capable of delivering. But no race-car driver would use the fuel pump as a way of determining performance. The engine is at the center of fast car racing. The fuel pump is of secondary importance at best.
In the same way, we as bike racers are better off looking at what the engine is producing rather than at how hard the pump is working. In fact, your training should be focused on building the engine—your muscles. Contrary to what athletes who use heart rate monitors believe, muscle is where nearly all fitness changes take place. Focusing only on the rate at which blood is pumped to the muscles is not the most effective way to train.
More than likely you have been using a heart rate monitor ever since you started in your sport. They’ve been around since the late 1970s, so athletes have become quite used to them. And they’ve measurably helped to improve performance for many. But other than the pump-engine relationship I described above, there are still significant limitations to heart rate–based training. Heart rate is affected by “outside” forces, such as diet, race-day excitement, and psychological stress. For example, caffeinated drinks and even a shot of sugar can cause heart rate to rise regardless of how hard you are pushing yourself. Simply being around other riders, especially in a race, will also result in an artificially high heart rate. And even the stuff that goes on between your ears—an argument with the boss, tax time, and other worries—has an effect on heart rate that is unrelated to your riding intensity. Furthermore, in training heart rate is slow to respond when you are doing intervals, so during the first few minutes of each interval you are forced to guess how hard to go. All of this sets you up for poor workout and race pacing. It could very well be the reason you’ve not done as well as you are capable of doing, especially in steady-paced racing such as time trials and triathlons.
Still, the greatest limitation is that heart rate doesn’t tell you anything about how you are performing. It only tells you, indirectly, how hard the engine is working based on the engine’s demand for fuel and oxygen. To be truly effective, heart rate must be compared with something else. I will show you inChapter 6 how power and heart rate can be compared and how the benefits of this relationship can be useful for your training.
圖片來源:Triathlon Science