2007年,發表於期刊《神經外科:脊椎》(Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine), 164頁上的研究,對於有關多項運動選手的頸部運動傷害意外,提出了一份醫學問卷調查。將近有64%的運動員反應他們的頸部傷害跟運動有關。這是多年來,根據以往運動人口的相關運動傷害的統計。
「牆壁天使」(Wall angels)是頸椎和上背傷害發生的良好預防運動。之前提到的有關於游泳胸椎伸展上半部滾筒運動和在瑜珈球上作TS動作,也是很有效的(參考〈如何預防游泳可能造成的運動傷害-肩膀篇〉)
- 姿勢1:開始動作是背部、臀部、頭和手臂靠著牆
- 姿勢2:舉起手臂過頭,慢慢沿著牆壁降低手臂,專注於擠壓肩膀靠攏
- 總共做2到3組,每次10到15下
(參考圖Wall angels: (a)position 1;(b)postion 2,)
出處:Joe Friel,Jim Vance, editors (2013). Triathlon science.,468, 469. United States of America: Human Kinetics.
Cycling-Specfic Injuries and Prevention
Cycling is probably the most scientific of the three disciplines. A symbiotic relationship requires a perfect match of an athlete’s unique biomechanical characteristics with a specific geometry to reach optimal performance. In other words, the bike must allow the body to function without excessive musculoskeletal resistance or wasted energy. When the body is pushed beyond its biomechanical limit, breakdown may occur and result in injury.
In Decemeber 2010 the American Journal of Sport Medicine published research on the incidence of cycling-related injury in professional cyclists. The researchers from Norway interviewed 109 professional cyclists about overuse injuries that they had sustained in the previous 12 months. Results of the study revealed that 45 percent of overuse injuries were located in the lower back and 23 percent in the knee. Twenty-three time-loss injuries were registered──57 percent in the knee, 22 percent in the lowe back, and 13 percent in the lower leg. Few cyclists had missed competitions because of pain in the lower back(6 percent) or anterior knee (9 percent). Note that lower-back injuries were the most common, although knee injuries resulted in the largest amount of training and racing time lost.
Although less common than low-back pain in cycling, cervical (neck) and thoracic (midback) injuries in cycling are frequent and typically related to the position of the head and neck over long periods. With the cervical spine maximally extended and the thoracic spine maximally flexed, tremendous stress is created at the transiton, or breaking, point between the two. If the athlete has abnormal mobility or has sustained an injury in the past, this position can cause pain or create an overuse injury.
Neck and Mideback Pain
In a 2007 study on the incidence of neck pain in multisport athletes published in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 164 athletes responded to a medical questionnaire. Approximately 64 percent of responding athletes reported that their neck pain was sports related. Total years inthe sport and number of previous sports-related injuries were predictive.
The most critical preventative measure that a triathlete can take with regard to neck and midback pain in cycling is proper positioning with a bike fit done by an experienced professional. Much like sitting at the computer all day, sitting on the bike causes postural stiffness and tension in the spine, creating potential for overuse injury. Prevention exercises for the neck and midback should focus on moving the spine in the direction opposite that which it remains in for long periods on the bike. Wall angels are good preventative exercise for the neck and midback. Thoracic extension over half foam (figure 35.1) and Ts on a physioball (figure35.3) from the section on swimming injury prevention are also effective exercises.
Wall Angels
Position 1 (a): Start with the back, hips,head, and arms against a wall.
Positon 2 (b): Raise the arms above the head. Slowly lower the arms down the wall, emphasizing squeezing the shoulder blades back and together. Complete two or three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.
首先,先附上有關「牆壁天使」的相關動作影片「滑牆(Wall Slides)Wall Slides」
頸部仰起(Neck Extender)
1. 跪在彈力球旁,胸部前傾靠在彈力球上,雙手握住一個槓鈴片放在頭部後方。
2. 動作從頸部前彎的位置開始,慢慢伸直頸部將頭部抬起,直到模擬出騎車時頸部的位置為止。
3. 回到初始的位置。
- 茗傑提醒:槓片的重量一定要量力而為,一開始越輕越好,等肌肉更有力才開始加重。
長凳上練習頸部仰起(Neck Extender on Bench)
- 說明:如果你的背部或膝蓋有困難,無法靠在彈力球上,可以坐在長凳上進行相同的訓練。這種方式的穩定度較高,但仍著重在相同的肌肉。
- 茗傑提醒:這個動作的穩定性比在彈力球上好許多,但是槓片的重量依然要量力而為,一開始越輕越好,等肌肉更有力才開始加重。
身體前彎拉起槓鈴 (Bent-Over Barbell Row)
1. 站立,上半身向前彎和地板呈45度角。雙臂張開約與肩同寬,手臂伸直,雙手由上往下握住槓鈴。
2. 軀幹保持不動,垂直向上將槓鈴拉起,靠近胸腔的下緣。
3. 暫停在這個位置幾秒鐘,將槓鈴放下回到初始位置。
- 茗傑註:同上述的備註,欲速則不達。
圖片來源:Triathlon science與《自行車騎乘解剖書》